The Returned and Services League of Australia (New South Wales Branch)
Hornsby RSL Sub Branch
The Price Of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance

Hornsby RSL Sub-Branch History

Hornsby Sub-Branch Charter

The Returned Sailors & Soldiers Imperial League of Australia, NSW Branch, (as it was then known) granted a charter of membership to the Hornsby Sub-Branch on 16 June, 1919.

How the League Evolved

The RSL evolved as a direct result of the camaraderie, concern and mateship shown by the "Diggers" for the welfare of their mates during and after the 1914 - 1918 War. That ethos of compassion and service remains today the motivating influence of the League.
In June 1916 The Returned Soldiers' League became The Returned Sailors' & Soldiers' Imperial League.
From 1915 to 1919, states had their own "Returned Soldiers' Associations" or RSA. These were incorporated into the Returned Sailors' & Soldiers' Imperial League as state branches, from which local sub-branches were formed.
Since that time the RSL has undergone several name changes which reflect both the changing face of Australia's defence forces and RSL membership.
-1941: Returned Sailors', Soldiers' and Airmen Imperial League
-1966: Returned Services League
-1990: Returned and Services League

The original certificate of charter membership is currently displayed in the boardroom of the Hornsby War Memorial Hall.

Hornsby RSL Sub-Branch First Minutes

Hornsby Sub-Branch First Minutes

The photo to the left is of the original minute book of the Hornsby RSL Sub-Branch.

The first meeting of the Sub-Branch took place on Monday June 16, 1919.

At this meeting, six veterans of the 'Great War', who had served their country with great distinction, were appointed office holders as follows:

President: W. Prentice

Secretary: A. Law

Treasurer: J. Hordern

Committee: H. Clark, C. Davis, J. Higgins

The original minute book of the Hornsby RSL Sub-Branch is on display (along with other memorabilia) in the war memorial cabinets at the Hornsby RSL Club.

Hornsby RSL War Memorial Hall 2017

Postal Address:

Honorary Secretary
Hornsby RSL Sub-Branch
War Memorial Hall
2 High Street


Office Telephone: 02 9476 6680


Email: [email protected]

